Username: b00sh
Your name in game: b00sh
Your steam name: b00sh
Your discord name: b00sh
What are server was this? !The Island Davidscloud x3Hx5Tx10BR!
Tribe Name: Remnant
Location (cords): Unavailable
Location of your Main Base: 93, 58
Dinos involved: N/A
Players involved: b00sh
Names of any Tribe-mates that you trust to address your issue if you are offline: N/A
Your normal hours that you play or will be available (with timezone please ie: EST/PST/Ect): 9:00-10:00PM EST
Details: During the evening on 5/29 I transferred my character from Scorched Earth over to The Island. During the transfer my game disconnected and sent me to the title screen (this happens most times when I transfer, I believe it is a bug associated to the auto-engram mod). When trying to log back in, it is taking me to character creation. I have tried logging in to both The Island server and Scorched Earth server, both servers take me to character creation. I have also attempted to "Download Survivor" on both servers. My character is not available. It is lost in the ether! Hoping the admin can assist?
Picture/File upload. (Not Required) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
Your name in game: b00sh
Your steam name: b00sh
Your discord name: b00sh
What are server was this? !The Island Davidscloud x3Hx5Tx10BR!
Tribe Name: Remnant
Location (cords): Unavailable
Location of your Main Base: 93, 58
Dinos involved: N/A
Players involved: b00sh
Names of any Tribe-mates that you trust to address your issue if you are offline: N/A
Your normal hours that you play or will be available (with timezone please ie: EST/PST/Ect): 9:00-10:00PM EST
Details: During the evening on 5/29 I transferred my character from Scorched Earth over to The Island. During the transfer my game disconnected and sent me to the title screen (this happens most times when I transfer, I believe it is a bug associated to the auto-engram mod). When trying to log back in, it is taking me to character creation. I have tried logging in to both The Island server and Scorched Earth server, both servers take me to character creation. I have also attempted to "Download Survivor" on both servers. My character is not available. It is lost in the ether! Hoping the admin can assist?
Picture/File upload. (Not Required) (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)