Username: Lavaspitter
Your name in game: Lavaspitter
Your steam name: Lavaspitter
Your discord name: Lavaspitter
What are server was this? Center ASA
Tribe Name: Lava's Layabouts
Location (cords): -2773 263444 -37005 -97.20 -82.40
Location of your Main Base: Island ASA
Dinos involved: Runic Wyvern
Players involved: lavaspitter
Names of any Tribe-mates that you trust to address your issue if you are offline: Jester, Jerico
Your normal hours that you play or will be available (with timezone please ie: EST/PST/Ect): rotating
Details: My Wyvern is kind of meshed at the puzzle cave threw it out to fly for artifact and it poofed down 50 meters need it either returned or deleted I can't get to it from any angle
Picture/File upload. (Not Required) File(s) attached
Your name in game: Lavaspitter
Your steam name: Lavaspitter
Your discord name: Lavaspitter
What are server was this? Center ASA
Tribe Name: Lava's Layabouts
Location (cords): -2773 263444 -37005 -97.20 -82.40
Location of your Main Base: Island ASA
Dinos involved: Runic Wyvern
Players involved: lavaspitter
Names of any Tribe-mates that you trust to address your issue if you are offline: Jester, Jerico
Your normal hours that you play or will be available (with timezone please ie: EST/PST/Ect): rotating
Details: My Wyvern is kind of meshed at the puzzle cave threw it out to fly for artifact and it poofed down 50 meters need it either returned or deleted I can't get to it from any angle
Picture/File upload. (Not Required) File(s) attached