Davidscloud is currently still looking for new Staff. If you would like to apply for staff, please fill out the form here. We are also looking for new games to host so please let us know what games you want to see us hosting in Discord or on this post! The next community meeting will be Saturday, September 9th, 2023 at 8 pm EST, this gives everyone a public forum on voice and text where we go over everything the community wants.
We are looking for event staff please message David if you want to assist with events!
Until ASA comes out in October, Davidscloud will be hosting smaller events for Ark. We understand large events every weekend have been tiring for some people, and the Staff Team feels the same. We thank everyone who has participated in our events so far.
We are still taking donations for our restoration. Thanks to all that have donated, we are only $150 away!
We will be hosting a Tek Sail race on Genesis 2! More information on this event will be provided Friday.
A special bounty will be posted this weekend.
Davidscloud's Patreon has 3 tiers; Bronze ($1), Silver ($5), and Gold ($20). Head on over to our Patreon Page to see all of the neat perks we have to offer, with more on the way!
With the delay of Ark II and Ark: SA coming out in October, we plan on building an entirely new server for the upcoming games. If you would like to help us with this, feel free to donate!
Keep in mind we do have monthly expenditures but nothing that will cause it to close down but all the little add-ons we put on can really add up over time. If you want to support us please do every bit that gets thrown back into the community in one way or another. If you got questions on donations feel free to reach out.
$80 - Discord Event
$100 - Special Bonus Kit
$150 - Shiny dino event.
$200 - Superbuff Week
$250 - Extra Wild Levels Weekend.
$300 - Bonus Event at the end of the month.
We are looking for event staff please message David if you want to assist with events!
Until ASA comes out in October, Davidscloud will be hosting smaller events for Ark. We understand large events every weekend have been tiring for some people, and the Staff Team feels the same. We thank everyone who has participated in our events so far.
We are still taking donations for our restoration. Thanks to all that have donated, we are only $150 away!
We will be hosting a Tek Sail race on Genesis 2! More information on this event will be provided Friday.
A special bounty will be posted this weekend.
Donation Goals for September:
Davidscloud's Patreon has 3 tiers; Bronze ($1), Silver ($5), and Gold ($20). Head on over to our Patreon Page to see all of the neat perks we have to offer, with more on the way!
With the delay of Ark II and Ark: SA coming out in October, we plan on building an entirely new server for the upcoming games. If you would like to help us with this, feel free to donate!
Keep in mind we do have monthly expenditures but nothing that will cause it to close down but all the little add-ons we put on can really add up over time. If you want to support us please do every bit that gets thrown back into the community in one way or another. If you got questions on donations feel free to reach out.
$80 - Discord Event
$100 - Special Bonus Kit
$150 - Shiny dino event.
$200 - Superbuff Week
$250 - Extra Wild Levels Weekend.
$300 - Bonus Event at the end of the month.