Awarded medals


    Leadership Excellence Award

    . This award is given out to staff members that have shown exceptional leadership ability when they were faced with many hard and difficult situations.

    All Day Everyday Award

    . This award is given to a staff member who has been reliably active and interactive with the community as well as go out of their way to be there in a time of need.

    Sustained Superior Performance Award

    . This award is given to a staff member who has outstanding performance and remained reliable for a long period of time.

    Excellence in Teamwork Award

    . This award is given to a staff member who has been exemplary when working as a team on a major project or problem.

    Community Contributor Award

    . This award is given out to a member that has contributed to the community.

    Superior Performance Award

    . This award is given to a staff member that time and time again go above the call of duty.

    You’re a Gem Award

    . This award is given out to a member that has helped a staff member in a major project, crisis or issue.